Suffering from Unintentional Fights with Your Loved One? Know the Reasons & Have a Beautiful Relation:

Do you argue with your partner that too without any intentions? All of us faced these situations where an argument started with the person we love the most. The most common cause of an argument in a relationship is the view of both persons towards a particular subject. The difference between the views of two person causes conflict and that’s the main reason of any argument. It’s nothing you can do about this except starting to think like the other person.

One can’t have a relation without arguments and fights because that’s the part of a relationship. A true relationship is when you handle these arguments and fights with your partner and make your relationship more special. Now apart from different point of view there are many reasons which causes arguments and these to understand these reasons is the root of relationship. Some of these reasons and there solutions are mentioned below:


Sex is a natural phenomenon which is a very important element of a relationship and can have both positive and negative impact on the relationship depending upon how you handle it. The basic reason of sex is that it increases the intimacy between two people due to which the attraction increases and this attraction binds two persons in a very special bond that can give a solid base to the relationship. Now the main reason for the argument bases on the sex could be the expectations from the partner.

To help you with this all we can say is the lesser you expect the more you enjoy. Expectations kills many thing and especially in case of physical relation it can lead to a fight without even getting noticed. Understanding each other and taking care the needs of your partner is the key of a relationship.


Argument Due to Position

In a relationship generally two people never share the same position means one person knowingly or unknowingly controls the other person. This seems okay up to an extant but after a stage the person who feels under controlled started to get irritated with all this controlling thing. So the most important thing is if you truly love your partner and cares about the relationship you should always share the equal position in a relationship and offer the importance to you partner which will definitely make him/her feel special and they will do the same for you.


False Memory Syndrome

Many arguments and fights are not about the facts of what happened in the past but how it is remembered. Every person has this tendency to enlighten the past in order to put themselves in the best light or to prove themselves right. So when it comes down to point of trying to work out what went wrong when you had a disagreement, it becomes very hard, as each party uses imaginations to supplement memory indeed, create memory. So to overcome this issue always tries to end any fight or argument with a good note so that it won’t bother you again.


Blaming Addiction 

One thing most of us always follow is that when things go wrong, we need someone to blame for that without having any second thought. Hold on to this thought that is it right to blame the person in front of you for anything even if they are guilty of that or not. Introverts blame themselves and extroverts blame other people. This is why they often end up together. It’s a cycle and to have a strong relationship it is important that each of one stop blaming other no matter if it’s their fault or not. When you are in a relationship you have to handle all the things as a team not by blaming and pointing out on each other.


Money Factor

Who earns most? Does it matters when you are in a relationship with someone? The answer should be no. It shouldn’t matter who earns most the only thing matters is the bond between two people, the love they share and the memory they creates with each other. Money is a materialistic thing whose status can be changed with the time but the feeling one have for his/her partner can’t be changed no matter what. So forget about the money thing if you are in a relationship all you have to care about the happiness of your partner.



Perhaps your mother thinks she’s not good enough for you. Or perhaps her father is the worst person on the planet Earth but she has failed to realize it and her father didn’t even like you. The gap between your own perceptions of your family and your partner’s is usually considerable. Loving someone isn’t always enough. You have to keep it in mind that a person has to do everything to save his or her relation. So no matter what your family thinks about your partner if you truly love him/her they will surely approve your decision as your family also cares about you. Don’t let your family come in between your relation just find out a path to make things work out perfectly.


These are not the things the we don’t know about every one of us know about these things but in due to intense pressure of daily life sometimes we forget about the little things that can make our life much simpler. Love is a beautiful and crazy thing it can generate enormous amount of energy in someone that he/she can concur the world or it can destroy someone up to an extent that the person can’t even stand. All of us always have a dream of a beautiful relationship and to live that dream we only has to look for the small things which are the reasons of smile of our loved ones. This is the key of a successful relationship. You can find your perfect match online with Windedlove a free online dating website for everyone.


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