Suffering from Unintentional Fights with Your Loved One? Know the Reasons & Have a Beautiful Relation:

Do you argue with your partner that too without any intentions? All of us faced these situations where an argument started with the person we love the most. The most common cause of an argument in a relationship is the view of both persons towards a particular subject. The difference between the views of two person causes conflict and that’s the main reason of any argument. It’s nothing you can do about this except starting to think like the other person.

One can’t have a relation without arguments and fights because that’s the part of a relationship. A true relationship is when you handle these arguments and fights with your partner and make your relationship more special. Now apart from different point of view there are many reasons which causes arguments and these to understand these reasons is the root of relationship. Some of these reasons and there solutions are mentioned below:


Sex is a natural phenomenon which is a very important element of a relationship and can have both positive and negative impact on the relationship depending upon how you handle it. The basic reason of sex is that it increases the intimacy between two people due to which the attraction increases and this attraction binds two persons in a very special bond that can give a solid base to the relationship. Now the main reason for the argument bases on the sex could be the expectations from the partner.

To help you with this all we can say is the lesser you expect the more you enjoy. Expectations kills many thing and especially in case of physical relation it can lead to a fight without even getting noticed. Understanding each other and taking care the needs of your partner is the key of a relationship.


Argument Due to Position

In a relationship generally two people never share the same position means one person knowingly or unknowingly controls the other person. This seems okay up to an extant but after a stage the person who feels under controlled started to get irritated with all this controlling thing. So the most important thing is if you truly love your partner and cares about the relationship you should always share the equal position in a relationship and offer the importance to you partner which will definitely make him/her feel special and they will do the same for you.


False Memory Syndrome

Many arguments and fights are not about the facts of what happened in the past but how it is remembered. Every person has this tendency to enlighten the past in order to put themselves in the best light or to prove themselves right. So when it comes down to point of trying to work out what went wrong when you had a disagreement, it becomes very hard, as each party uses imaginations to supplement memory indeed, create memory. So to overcome this issue always tries to end any fight or argument with a good note so that it won’t bother you again.


Blaming Addiction 

One thing most of us always follow is that when things go wrong, we need someone to blame for that without having any second thought. Hold on to this thought that is it right to blame the person in front of you for anything even if they are guilty of that or not. Introverts blame themselves and extroverts blame other people. This is why they often end up together. It’s a cycle and to have a strong relationship it is important that each of one stop blaming other no matter if it’s their fault or not. When you are in a relationship you have to handle all the things as a team not by blaming and pointing out on each other.


Money Factor

Who earns most? Does it matters when you are in a relationship with someone? The answer should be no. It shouldn’t matter who earns most the only thing matters is the bond between two people, the love they share and the memory they creates with each other. Money is a materialistic thing whose status can be changed with the time but the feeling one have for his/her partner can’t be changed no matter what. So forget about the money thing if you are in a relationship all you have to care about the happiness of your partner.



Perhaps your mother thinks she’s not good enough for you. Or perhaps her father is the worst person on the planet Earth but she has failed to realize it and her father didn’t even like you. The gap between your own perceptions of your family and your partner’s is usually considerable. Loving someone isn’t always enough. You have to keep it in mind that a person has to do everything to save his or her relation. So no matter what your family thinks about your partner if you truly love him/her they will surely approve your decision as your family also cares about you. Don’t let your family come in between your relation just find out a path to make things work out perfectly.


These are not the things the we don’t know about every one of us know about these things but in due to intense pressure of daily life sometimes we forget about the little things that can make our life much simpler. Love is a beautiful and crazy thing it can generate enormous amount of energy in someone that he/she can concur the world or it can destroy someone up to an extent that the person can’t even stand. All of us always have a dream of a beautiful relationship and to live that dream we only has to look for the small things which are the reasons of smile of our loved ones. This is the key of a successful relationship. You can find your perfect match online with Windedlove a free online dating website for everyone.


Immortal Truth of Love at First Sight

We all have that someone special in our life to whom we relate after listening to the words “teenage love”. We all have that untold story to say, story about our first beautiful love. Everyone dreams of their first love to last forever. But does this always happen?


The first love or you can say love at first sight is not necessarily to be the true or the ultimate love. Sometimes that first love DOES work out but again SOMETIMES IT DOESN’T.


The reason behind the fact may be the maturity or we can say the ability of handling the situations. First love sometimes doesn’t work because we are not mature enough to know about right and wrong, not mature enough to understand what love is. Always remember, nothing in this world goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.


Romantics time to break your hearts about the love at first site. There is no such thing as love at first sight. There is intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone at very first sight. Your body reacts to the pheromones released by other person, and they produce a mental excitement in your mind.


But this passion or admiration for someone doesn’t truly linked to love. You are able to find yourself really attracted to somebody, but the fact is that love is really a process that takes times.


When you’re a young child, you always find yourself attracted to a particular kind of people. You’ll find yourself leaning a lot more towards a particular hair color or eye shade that appeals the most to you.


These preferences as a teenager will push you toward an additional person that might or might not be the greatest choice for you personally. When you meet somebody, who has all the physical attributes you’re searching for you predetermine that attraction should be there.


If love at first sight were real so there would not be direct physical qualities that would lead us to a specific kind of person. Within the case of love at very first sight, an individual with blue eyes stands the exact same opportunity as somebody with brown eyes.


Although you can argue that these preferences will lead you directly towards the individual of your dreams, if someone ask this question to old married couples that if their spouse was exactly how they dreamed they would look. A majority of the couples that have been together for a long time, met someone other than their ideal, and love grew over time.


But this passion or admiration can turn into love, if there are other factors in play. If you both have similar taste of interests, and similar desires for the future, there’s a chance that the infatuation can turn into love.


So is true love a thing of fairy-tales too? No, true love is real. Don’t fear a relationship just because it begins as infatuation. Enjoy the beauty of being in love with your special one. So find the perfect one for you at a place to find and date new people and find your special one.

Know Why First Love is an Undying Experience

That beautiful time may be long gone, but it’s still persist in the memory, probably always will be there. Time pass and you think you’ve moved on and suddenly all memories flashes across your mind, vividly, like it was just yesterday.


That’s the time when you realize that their presence has been always there somewhere in your mind. Maybe what they say is actually true that it’s an unforgettable feeling. Maybe we never really get over the memories of our first love.


Your heart will always sinks in the memories every time you think of them, of what went wrong, of what it was like, of what it could have been. The thought of having let ‘the one’ slip away will always hurts. Then, life does its thing and you meet this incredible person who completely sweeps you off your feet.


Yes, you’re in love again. But it’s not the same like the last time. You love them, you really do but love isn’t the same anymore like the last time. Something’s changed. You’re having the best time of your life, but your mind keeps going back to the memories of that time when you fell in love for the first time.


Because that was the first time you looked at someone and felt this amazing and uncontrollable urge in your heart which starts pounding so loud and fast, you were surprised that people couldn’t actually see it beating out of your chest.


That was the first time you discovered the whole new state of confusion that takes you to an entirely different world till you no longer realize what was real. That was the first time you discovered madness inside and the first time you felt so much excitement, you couldn’t contain it.


That was the first time in life when you didn’t know what you were doing and you still couldn’t help falling for it. That was the first time you realize that you want nothing more in the world than just being with that person.


But as they walked away, they took all your first memories from you. You’re happy where you are today, but the emptiness still hurts you. What’s gone will never come back. Try as you may, love won’t ever feel as exciting and amazing as it did the first time.


First love is silly, crazy, naughty, wild. It’s unbelievable, even foolish. It’s like a bird learning it can fly. That’s first love. It’s adventurous, fearless and wonderful. You don’t plan it, you don’t control it and you don’t force it.


You close your eyes and just take the breath. It’s not the end of everything. The truth about love is you can find it again. All you have to do is wait for the right person and let all the doors open.


Love is the only medicine that can heal each and every single wound. So let it come and enjoy the beautiful wave of love. Date new people and find the perfect one for you. is a place where you can find the perfect one for you and dating them will always be a relief. So join number one free online dating website and delighted feeling of being in love.

Find Love Again With Number One Free Online Dating Website WindedLove

Falling in love is always an amazing and life-changing experience. Starting time of your first relationship are best thing you have experienced so far in your life and you are enjoying every moment of it, not thinking about the expiration date of your first love.


Although some first loves become first and last with a beautiful happy ending but most of us had to deal with getting over first love. Why is this so hard to get over it and is there an easier way to get over your first love?


The thing that makes it so hard to get over your first love is the fact you’ve been through a lot of amazing and unforgettable moments together.


Maybe it was first kiss, or first staying out late or first time holding hand. We get emotionally attached to people with whom we share this kind of experiences and that’s the reason it is much harder for us to accept the fact we have to get over from them.


Getting over the first love is a huge challenge and it is a chance for your spiritual and mental development. You should appreciate that person and be thankful for all the things and for all the unforgettable times you had with them.


Never regret for being with a person who gave you a lot just because you are having hard time getting over them. Thank them for being there with you in your life and making your life better and making you the person you are today.


Falling in love for the first time is like walking through a gate to a whole new world of amazing and exciting experiences and feelings. If your first relationship ended badly, this is not a reason to weep.


Now you know from the past experience what mistakes can harm your relationship and you won’t make them again so that you can take you relation to a whole new level, or you will be able to tell your partner on time he is threatening your relationship.


Getting over from your first love is getting over your mind barriers and letting go into something new and bigger. If you had exciting time with your first love and did amazing things with them, this doesn’t mean you can’t have even better experience with your new partner.


Don’t be afraid to let go your first unsuccessful relation and commit yourself to a new person. You have to realize that each and every person in your life can teach you something and can help you develop in a different way and all you have to do to get over your first love is to love again with even more passion and have even better time with your new partner.

romantic-couple-in-hd-wallpaper a place where you can meet and date new people and find the perfect one for you and enjoy the most amazing and wonderful feeling in world called LOVE.

Why Your First Love Is Unforgettable

You never forget your first love. As it is the most important phase of our life. First love teaches us many thing and make us a better person. At least, that’s what Nicholas Sparks’ “The Notebook” wants us to think. But the saying does have a hidden truth to it. Losing a first love is painful, especially when everything you feel is so wonderful.


According to science and psychology first loves are elevated in our brains because they’re the first person we’ve ever experienced that amazing sense of attraction toward for the first time.


Is that the reason why we can’t let go?

In short, yes. The hormones involved in both lust and love play a part in how attached we become to a person. Science says attraction to the person we love is a product of evolution and that means they will stay on our minds and last forever. Because they turns you into what you are today.


First love generates the most amazing and joyful feeling in a person and that feeling can turn the whole world around. First love teaches us many important things to remember and if first love became to last love then it is the most divine feeling in this world.


First loves show us what love feels like.

Yes that’s pretty amazing. No matter how it ended or stays, feeling one of the most incredible and amazing emotions in the world for the first time shouldn’t be forgotten. The first kiss, for the first time you hold hands and much more. It’s okay to hold on to those memories. Just keep that in mind while memories stay the same, people change.


First loves teach us how to love again.

Think of first loves as the beautiful chapter. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn’t and when it doesn’t, you figure out what you really have to do in a relationship and can know what to expect if there is second time around to make sure it last forever.


First loves teach us how to put others before ourselves.

We usually require a person to let go of our ego for the sake of making a relationship last. A relationship require compromise, which is at the base and key element of any great relationship — first or last.


First loves shows us what it feels to be cared for someone who isn’t family.

It’s a great feeling to have someone very special on which you can turn to during difficult times someone very special to whom you aren’t related. This teaches you how amazing it is to have someone very special like that in your life, doesn’t matter if it’s a lover or a special friend.


First loves make us want to be better.

Maybe you were not the one who was dumped. Maybe it was mutual or maybe you ended things. Still, whatever the reason first love is a great learning experience that gave you the confidence to be true to yourself. It allows you to release that how you are going to handled another person’s feelings differently.


First loves teach us how to work out on our problems.

They teach us that love takes work, effort and communication. They teach us how to get to that level through trials and errors. You don’t forget these lessons once you’ve learned them.


You may miss them or who they used to be, but your first love made you who you are today and that’s worth something. Join number one free online dating site and find the perfect one for you and feel the divine joy of being in love.

Get Together With Your Special One

If you Love someone because you think that he/she is really gorgeous- Then it’s not love its “Infatuation”. If you love someone because you think that you shouldn’t leave him because others think that you shouldn’t…Then it’s not love, it’s “compromise”. If you love someone because you think that you cannot live without his touch…Then it’s not love, it’s “lust”


If you love someone because you have been kissed by him…Then it’s not love, it’s “inferiority complex”. If you love someone because you can’t leave him thinking that it would hurt his feeling…..Then it’s not love, it’s “charity”. If you love someone because you share everything with him…Then it’s not love, it’s “friendship”


If you feel the pain of the other person more than him even when he/she is stable and you cry for him….. That’s “LOVE”.


 If you get attracted to their people but stay with him/her without any regrets…… That’s “LOVE”.



If you let him/her go knowing that he/she has to go but he/she doesn’t want to……That’s “LOVE”.



No relationship is perfect, ever. There are always some ways you have to bend, to compromise, to give something up in order to gain something greater.


The love we have for each other is bigger than these small differences. And that’s the key. It’s like a big pie chart, and the love in a relationship has to be the biggest piece. Love can make up for a lot.


Love is a decision, it is a judgment and it is a promise. If love were only a feeling, there would be no basis for the promise to love each other forever.


Love is the most amazing feeling in this world which can heal every wound and takes all the pain away. Just looking at the special one can generate such a vibe deep inside your heart which can fill the moment with happiness and joy.


“You know its love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you’re not part of their happiness. Feel the joy of being in love with windedlove and find the perfect one for you.

all-everything-that-i-understand-i-understand-only-because-i-loveGet together with your special one at


Join Now! The best Social network to meet new people

When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused. Love is absolute loyalty. People fade, looks fade, but loyalty never fades. You can depend so much on certain people, you can set your watch by them. And that’s love, even if it doesn’t seem very exciting. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

That’s what love is. Celebrate love with and feel the divine joy of being in love with the special one. Join the best social network to meet new people and find the special one for you.

Find your love in college or somewhere around you with #1 social network to meet new people

It takes courage to love, but pain through love is the purifying fire which those who love generously know. We all know people who are so much afraid of pain that they shut themselves up like clams in a shell and, giving out nothing, receive nothing and therefore shrink until life is a mere living death. You can talk with someone for years, every day, and still, it won’t mean as much as what you can have when you sit in front of someone, not saying a word, yet you feel that person with your heart, you feel like you have known the person for forever…. connections are made with the heart, not the tongue. (10)

The one thing that is going to struck you in finding love is how to find love in college or somewhere around you. Love is not the thing that you could find by your own infect love will find you eventually whether you are ready for that or not. Love is the most powerful phenomenon in the world and it could heal every wound and pain. At we make an effort for you so that you can find the special one and enjoy the divine feeling of being in love. So the answer to the biggest question “how to find love again” is here at WindedLove. Join the number 1 social networks to meet new people and find the perfect one for you.

Where to find my soulmate online? The answer is here at

They say “If it’s not a happy ending then it’s not the ending at all” At we really believe in that saying that it’s not the end until it is good. Moving on to someone is the hardest job in life and one has to do it without complaining. At that stage you could feel like it’s better to be alone…No one can hurt you, but that’s not completely true. Isn’t it funny how the memories you cherish before a breakup can become your worst enemies afterwards? The person who is making your life miserable is keep giving you the pain without being with you even after the separation.

People cry, not because they’re weak, It’s because they’ve been strong for too long. There is a way and we will say the only way to get away from this situation is to find someone who understand you batter. Only love is the medicine to this pain and only love can heal this wound. (5)

Now the most important thing get in your way is “where to find love after divorce or a breakup?” The answer is quite simple which is at At we make and effort for you so that you can stand up and find you perfect soulmate online. Enjoy the divine feeling of being in love again with and when someone ask you about the special one you can proudly say that I find my soulmate online. Be the part of number 1 online dating website and enter to a new life with the perfect one. Visit today and enjoy the love.